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Dr Iain Clark
Dr Iain Clark MA Cantab MB BChir LRCP MRCS
Dr. Clark completed medical training at Fitzwilliam College Cambridge and St. Batholomew's Hospital, London. He then became a General Practitioner in Winslow, a position he held from 1980 right up until 2001.
Dr Clark is able to provide private consultations on request. He does not provide acute medical emergencies, minor surgery or IUCD insertions.
Dr Clark is now available for HGV medicals on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday morning of every month. For more information or to book your medical go to the "contact us" page in the title menu and get in touch via your preferred method of contact.
Fees are as follows;
Employee £100
Self Employed £70
Farmers and family £60
Tranquiliser dependency
Dr Clark developed the fractional dilution method of diazepam withdrawal in the early 1990s, now known as the Winslow method.
He is the Honorary Medical Adviser to the CITA (Council for Involuntary Tranquiliser Addition) and has had considerable experience in dealing with this form of dependency. The method involves the systematic dilution of diazepam elixir with a properly constituted placebo.
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